A person who likes to write can turn his or her hobby into something profitable. Article marketing is no longer a myth and today, i think anyone who is doing an online business will use articles in their business. So, the idea of making money with your articles is definitely possible.
Firstly, articles can be used to generate traffic to your online business. it can be for your website or even blog. when used correctly, articles can really generate some serious traffic. Unlike pay per click or advertising, once your article is publish, it will always be there on the internet. so it is a do once and forget about it chore.
With the traffic generated from your articles you can generate income from your visitors. the easiest way is via pay per click. the most popular program out there is Google AdSense. What you do is you allow Google to place adverts onto your site. When your visitors click, you make money. So, more visitors, more clicks.
Another way of using the traffic is selling affiliate product. When visitors go to your website, you can build your subscriber list. you can then promote related affiliate products to your subscribers. Being an affiliate marketer is great because not only you can sell your own products, you can also sell other people and also have them to sell your products. it is simply amazing. one of the major affiliate business is promoting digital product through Clickbank.
By combining your articles and affiliate business, you can generate a generous amount of income. You can do so by posting product reviews on blogs or even on Squidoo and Hubpages. Then, you can drive or generate traffic for those sites.
last but not least is to start you own article directory website. When you have accumulated a big number of article you can use it in a directory and even invite other writers to post their articles in your directory. the possibilities are amazing because content is power in the internet and article is going to always be up there to provide it.